Legacy Evolution G2 Universe Deadend
Legacy Evolution G2 Deadend! Now in metallic teal & blood-orange! I dig the ominous yellow faceplate and visor. Legs are a little bland from the front, but other than that he's got lots of detail and color. Articulation is all here! He's a really solid Bot, aside from his feet, which barely qualify as feet.
Conversion is really slick! Un-tab the shoulders, flip the robot head under the windshield, & move the arms up. Flip down the hood to complete the front of the car. Legs crunch up & the arm panels flip down. That's the bulk of the process. It's super engaging & I have a lot of fun flipping this guy between modes!
Alt-mode is wicked blood-orange! The back half of the car don’t quite tab together solid. Seems to be a common issue with this mold. I absolutely love the HUGE G2 Decepticon logo on the hood, epic! The fireball paint on the doors is really top notch & I love the silver windows. Rolls nicely & looks great! What more could you want?