Legacy Evolution Volcanicus

Legacy Evolution Core Class Volcanicus! I love the idea of core class combiners. I would be really curious to see if vehicular combiners would be a better fit for this scale. As it is, Volcanicus is a very mixed bag. There is a lot of play value in small bots that combine. And you can’t argue with the price point, when compared to typical combiners.

Personally, I find this set to be too compromised both for the individual bots modes & the combined form. Two or three of the dinobots are passable on their own, but nothing here is really stellar.

I enjoy how they combine using the 5 mm ports. There’s a lot of play options here, with Weaponizers & weapons. The torso formed between Slug & Sludge is extremely solid. All the articulation is all here; knees, waist, shoulders, elbows. Pretty amazing honestly! Proportions are a bit weird. The legs seem off to me, like his legs have started melting. You can get some cool poses out of him, however, articulation is hampered by his Dino kibble.

Overall, this is a fun novelty set. Nothing spectacular or mind blowing. Still an enjoyable combiner set. Reminds me of the robots in disguise combiner sets.

Legacy Evolution Core Volcanicus! YYW-40 upgrade kit! It’s amazing how much better the combine mode is with just really a couple of feet, lower arms, & fists. Also included are some gap fillers for the combine-mode butt. I don’t think the gap fillers are really necessary, a nice upgrade though! I was a little surprised that a sword & shield are not included. That must be a separate upgrade kit. I’m pretty sure the feet and arms are is 3-D printed, but of very high-quality. I truly appreciate the attention to color accuracy, it is really darn close.

Assembling the kit is extremely easy. The only hard part was cutting the gap fillers away from the mold frame. Snapping on the kit is super easy. Once installed the kit really elevates Core Volcanicus! It mostly helps with his proportions a lot. The biggest changes are to the arms that go a long way at making this guy more articulated. It’s amazing how many more poses you can get with ankles, wrists, & proper elbows!

Legacy Evolution Core Grimlock! These mini Dinobots were all done wrong by the combine gimmick. I am totally excited to see mini Volcanicus in all of his miniature glory. But I’m not sure it was worth the that price each bot had to sacrifice. Slug seems to be the only one who’s mostly decent.

Grimlock's bot-mode looks like Grimlock, I'll give em' that! I enjoy the blue visor & large Autobot logo. Proportions are really weird, with massive legs & a tiny head. The backpack wings hang really low & the lack of elbows really hurts the figure's pose-ability.

Conversion is extremally basic, flip up the backpack, flip up the legs. That's pretty much it! Alt-mode is trying so hard, but unfortunately those massive bot-legs look more like a cargo on his back than a dino tail. It's amazing how they've managed to make the Combiner Wars (POTP) Dinobots look like masterpieces. Overall, I really like getting Dinobots at this scale. Though all the little Dinobots are a mixed bag.

Legacy Evolution Skar! A new Dinobot Ankylosaurus joins the squad! Bot-mode is looking beefy with large limbs and a thick build. Articulation is fantastic with neck and waist movement. His large legs get in the way a bit for poses but other than that he's pretty solid.

Conversion involves spinning the waist around folding up the arms & legs. Alt-mode is a solid spiney block with a fist for a tail. Overall he looks decent & is a really fun addition to the Dinobots. One more to go before Mini Volcanicus!

Legacy Evolution Core Class Swoop! Surprisingly probably the best of the core class Dinobots. Both modes came out looking great! Like most of the core class, articulation is very impressive. Complete with waist swivel! Bot-mode has a perfect face-sculpt with stunning blue eyes. The red Santa hat looks wicked & completes the perfect Swoop look.

Conversion is super simple. Just flip up the legs & you’re pretty much there. The alt-mode head can’t do the bird perch pose. But other than that, he’s perfect! I love the way the weapons integrate into each wing.

Core class Sludge! I love the core class figures. They’ve had really impressive detail and articulation for their scale. Sludge however was done dirty. I get that these are the first core class triple changers. Tiny Volcanicus is gonna be sweet! Bot mode looks great if you put your thumb across his middle. The waist and legs are so strange, designed around the combine mode hips. The thighs are totally phony, hovering above the lower leg to try and create the illusion of legs.

Conversion is super fun and simple. Spin the waist around, fold the arms in, fold the legs up & you’re done! Dino mode doesn’t fair much better. He is kinda cute in a thanksgiving turkey kinda way… but unfortunately the same combiner mode bits that spoil the bot-mode show up here as well to spoil everything. I can’t wait to get my hands on all 6 to check out the combiner. I sure hope we get more core scaled combiners!

Core class Slug! So far the best looking of the core class Dinobots. Bot mode looks great! This little guy has impressive articulation! No elbows however. I love like the “wings” on his back & the 5mm port! I’m going to have fun with that!

Conversion works exactly like you’d expect. Fold the legs in, point the arms down, close the mouth and you’re done! Triceratops mode looks fantastic! A little thin and gappy from the side, and maybe a little plump overall. But he looks so much better than core Sludge, by comparison he’s a masterpiece! The hidden combiner head in the tail/gun is silly & awesome. Really builds the anticipation for that combined mode.

Legacy Evolution core class Snarl! At last the final tiny dinobot. It is very impressive that all these core class dinos are triple changers. Even if it meant compromising, pretty much everything. Snarl comes out looking pretty good! Especially in bot-mode. The head sculpt is incredibly detailed for how small it is. Articulation is top notch & the proportions look great!

Conversion is fun and simple. Pretty much G1. Combined the dino-tail to cover the robot face. Crunch up the legs, & elbows & you’re done! Stegosaurus mode looks really great overall. A little low to the ground & the back legs are just fine but nothing spectacular. Totally acceptable for this scale. Snarl comes out as one of the better looking core dinobots!