Legacy United Beast Wars Universe Tigerhawk
Legacy United Tigerhawk! Bot-mode is a barrel-chested hulk, covered in claws! I dig the green visor & creepy skeletal face beneath. The techno organic mix of beast & machine parts still hits home decades later. I sure hope we get more Transmetals!
Articulation is pretty solid. He’s got waist rotation. Shoulder movement is somewhat hampered by the asymmetrical shoulder pads. At least his shoulders can open up to provide a little more flexibility.
Conversion is straight from Beast Wars! Full of complicated & convoluted steps with minimal clearance. The torso halves swing to the sides. The bot-mode legs split & swing upward. The bot-torso flips back & rear beast legs extend. Spin the arm assembly to stick an arm across his belly & the other across his back. Tab the whole thing together to become a Tiger-Hawk! I wouldn’t say it’s the funnest transformation, but it is engaging & not that confusing once you get the order of operations down.
Alt-mode is a stunning Tiger-Gargoyle. I love the primate look, with the large tiger legs for the fore limbs & small bird legs for the hind limbs. Typical of modern beast modes articulation is barely there. At least he has an extremely impressive wingspan! Probably the largest wingspan in all of transformers. Overall this is an excellent update to Tiger hawk! Straight from VOK to my shelf!